About Us
The New Milford Church of Christ is an undenominational group of Christians who look to the Scriptures as God’s pattern for worship, service and daily living. We seek to restore the Church Jesus built by getting back to the Bible, returning to the original teachings given by Jesus Christ. “See that what you have heard from the beginning remains in you” (1 John 2:24).
Every effort is made to help visitors to our worship services, Bible classes and events feel welcome as honored guests. We make it our goal to be the friendliest church you have ever visited.
The service will last about an hour.
When you visit, you will meet people who, just like you, sincerely want to follow the teachings of the Bible and please God with their lives. You’ll find that every sermon and class is based on the Bible. Members and visitors are urged to bring their own Bibles and follow along. We seek to exalt Christ in our songs, prayers, sermons, and lives.
We believe Scripture commands us to celebrate communion every week, as they did in New Testament (Acts 20:7). It is the highlight of our service to remember Christ’s death and celebrate His promised return.
The whole congregation sings acappella as they did in the New Testament. (Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). All members of our congregation will blend their voices together in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs to praise God and to teach and admonish one another.
Prayer is a vital source of strength for a Christian. The congregation will be led in our prayers by brothers, while the rest follow him silently as we pray together.
You can expect Christ-centered, Bible teaching in our classrooms and sermons. We believe the Bible to be an inspired, authoritative book (2 Timothy 3:16-17). We believe that if a man speaks it should be from the Word of God (1 Peter 4:11). We strongly encourage you to check what we say is true by searching the scriptures yourself.
You will find free booklets, pamphlets, tracts, and back issues of publications displayed in the entrance areas. These are free to any member or guest. Often there will be study materials distributed during Bible classes and worship services.
Bible Correspondence Courses and Personal home Bible studies are available for those who want to know more about Jesus.
You will find members of many races, educational backgrounds, and economic levels. We mean it when we say, ‘Everybody is welcome.’
We feel that children are important, and that our God-given responsibility is to assist parents in teaching them about their origin, purpose, and destiny. They should come to know their Creator, Redeemer, Lord, and Savior early in life (Ecclesiastes 12:1; Matthew 19:14).
Nothing at all! You are welcome to participate. But don’t feel obligated to. Just observe, if that is your choice. You may be asked to fill out a Visitor’s Card. This simply provides information so the church can write or call to thank you for your visit. We know your time is important and we appreciate you taking time to be with us. Please join us for our luncheon and fellowship downstairs with friends. We look forward to getting to know you better.
Learn more about the churches of Christ by clicking here.
The New Milford Church of Christ in Connecticut welcomes
you to join us for worship and Bible classes at
129 Litchfield Road (Route 202), New Milford, CT 06776.
1.5 miles north of the New Milford Hospital
Pulpit Evangelist: Tim Tarbet
Local Evangelism: David Tarbet
Worship Services:
Sunday 11am & 6pm
Bible Classes:
Sunday 10am & Wed. 7pm
Telephone: (860) 355-0489
E-mail: tim@nmchurchofchrist.org